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Launch of The Irish Innocence Project

The Irish Innocence Project was formally launched on the 6th of March 2010 by Dr. Greg Hampikian, director of the Idaho Innocence Project and DNA expert for the Georgia Innocence Project.

“It is a great honour to be able to bring a programme such as this to Ireland”, Langwallner said. “Students will benefit enormously from this ground-breaking scheme and hopefully in years to come we will be producing results such as those currently being achieved by Dr. Hampikian and his colleagues in America”. Hampikian said he was honoured to participate in opening and supporting the first Irish project.

News Articles

Remains of Harry Gleeson identified in Mountjoy Prison – 83 years after he was framed and hanged for murder of Moll McCarthy by Kieran Fagan, Irish Independent, Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

OJ Lawyer Promotes College’s ‘Innocence’ Project by Fergus Black, Irish Independent

On the Trial of the Innocent by Michelle McDonagh, Irish Times

Volunteers target Wrongful Convictions by Wayne O’Connor,

RTE Prime Time – Hanged Man by Prime Time, RTE

Meet the People Who Try to Right Miscarriages of Justice by Mick Clifford, Irish Examiner


“Guildford Four’s Jerry Conlon Dies in Belfast.”  David Langwaller on Talking Point with Sarah Carey, NewsTalk

“Is there Justice in Ireland?” David Langwaller on Talking Point with Sarah Carey, NewsTalk

A GUBU Week in Irish Politics.”  David Langwaller on Talking Point with Sarah Carey, NewsTalk

Can we have faith in Irish Policing?”  David Langwaller on Talking Point with Sarah Carey, NewsTalk

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