Springtime for the Irish Innocence Project!

Dear readers,

We’re very excited to introduce you to our new blog! We will be updating once a week to keep you up to speed on big news and events from the project, articles or other media coverage as well as interesting progress from around the world on wrongful convictions!

January 2015 was an exciting month for the Irish Innocence project. It was finally announced that Harry Gleeson is to be pardoned from the crime he convicted of and eventually hanged for in 1941. Thanks to the Harry Gleeson group who approached the project and the work by director David Langwallner and caseworker Tertius Van Eeden, Harry Gleeson is finally getting justice. If you missed the coverage by the Irish Times, please have a look at one of the articles featuring a video interview with David Langwallner here!

As we’ve moved into February another interesting process has begun. We managed to reach half of our €5,000 goal with our Be The Key: Set An Innocent Free in December, so we’ve decided to have another campaign during Easter which we’re in the process of filming right now!



Interviewing one of our caseworkers Grace Hogan


It’s all very exciting and we see this as a great way to invite everyone interested in our work to be a direct part of it! All donations we receive enable us to continue the work that we do. Did you know that you’re able to donate through this website? Just click on the donate button on the headline bar.

A story that caught our attention in the media this week was the one of Kirk L. Odom, 52. A man who was wrongfully convicted of the rape and robbery of a woman in Capitol Hill in 1981. He spent 22 years of his life wrongfully imprisoned and suffered tremendous trauma in prison. Read the full story here!

He was paid a record amount of money for the wrongful conviction, but does money really make up for the pain he has suffered? The failure of the legal system to look out for him? However, one might view this as a step in the right direction when it comes to wrongful convictions being taken seriously. What are your thoughts? Join the discussion by liking our Facebook page: Irish Innocence Project and Twitter account: IrishInnocence.

We would love to have our readers be a big part of this blog, so if you have any ideas of topics for us to cover, let us know!

Irish Innocence Project

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