Amazing April

To start off this post, we’d like to apologize for technical issues we’ve experienced with the website. Now we’re back up and running again and hopefully it’ll stay that way!


Last night, the last night of April nonetheless, David Langwallner and the Irish Innocence Project won the Pro Bono and Public Interest, AIB Irish Interest Law award!!!



David Langwallner accepting the award. Photo credit Anne Driscoll

April has been such an exciting month for the project, especially with the campaign we’ve been running to raise funds. It finished last night and we reached our goal of €1,000! We’re beyond excited and grateful about this. To everyone who opened their hearts and wallets to us, we would like to thank you for your kindness.

Skärmavbild 2015-05-01 kl. 10.29.40

We were also very fortunate to have the incredible Jim McAllister give a lecture on Justice Took A Holiday: The 1692 Salem Witch Trials Revisited! It was a very appreciated lecture and we’re very grateful to Mr McAllister for his time!


We’re also very excited about the Conference and Film Festival on June 26th and 27th 2015, it’s less than 2 months away now! Go to Conference 2015 section to find out who’s coming and how to register! It’s going to be an incredible event to spread awareness of this human rights issue.

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