The best student discount ever?

We’re already in May and fast approaching the Conference and Film Festival June 26-27! We’re beyond excited about it and we especially want to make it affordable for students, as this is a great opportunity to inspire the next great minds to come! Which is why we have a special deal for them!


If you’re a student interested in learning more about human rights issues and miscarriages of justice from a long list of professionals and celebrities this summer, we suggest you register for the Conference and Film festival June 26-27! You will not only have the wonderful opportunity of hearing real life experiences, but also meet the people behind the stories! Better yet, if you have two friends, you can get a group ticket for €150, that’s €50 each for the two day event! You can register Here!


If you didn’t hear David Langwallner and Anne Driscoll speak about the Conference and Film Festival in Newstalk’s Green room this weekend, make sure you do Here!

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